Perfection in itself.

Along my travels, I have been stunned with experiences which left a permanent mark in my brain. Some things just stood out from the rest and I felt really in love with certain aspects. Although, I haven’t yet visited the last two countries in this list unlike the rest, I have experienced those aspects which…

Why I loved China and why I left. 

China. When people think of that place, they think of the Chinese eating everything that moves, pollution and dictatorship. How do I know what people think? Well, I thought like that as well, before going there. Although it is true that China is a dictatorship country, I found out that if you don’t say anything…

The subtle difference between a tourist and a traveler.

When I first went to Reunion Island by plane, I was a little girl. My family and I joined a group touring the Cilaos which is located in the mountainous region of Reunion. Although it was summertime, the air up there, was fresh and mildly cold. It was still summer but it felt different. The…

Cambodia and Vietnam

Hi guys , Today I am going to write about two lesser advertised countries for tourism : Cambodia and Vietnam. They were facinating countries to visit , each of them have their own particularities , delicious local dishes and wonderful cultures. I am again only here to elaborate on the key points that are kind…

Travelling to Thailand : tips and tricks

  Thailand Highlights Thailand in Thai means land of the free people, Thailand has always been described as a colorful country, where enjoyment seem to take many aspects from watching pole dancing to relaxing in a quiet place. But what you need to know first of all my friends , it’s a land where scams…

Hello Shanghai

So in my last post where I talked about Nanjing the hidden beautiful city of China ,I mentioned that it is close to Shanghai. You have surely heard of Shanghai before right ? The modern city of China, the one which has a european style! In fact Shanghai is a big and busy city with…

What’s like to be a foreigner in China

Hello peeps ! I am very excited to share with you today my own personal and raw experience on my adventure into an alien world ! And yes an alien world !At least  that’s what the chinese people call us “aliens” !  If you are not a chinese , you are considered as an alien…


We left Nanjing at around 1 p.m and reached Huangshan at around 8 a.m in the morning. We took a mimic breakfast near the railway station itself. We had a plan to climb the mountain right away from there. After being harassed by many taxi drivers when we got out of the railway station ,…